
White Chocolate Macadamia Cake by Paty's Kitchen


-Almond Sponge Cake
4 eggs / 4 biji telur gred A
180 g castor sugar /180 gm gula halus
170 g flour / 170 gm tepung
2 tbsp ground almon / 2 sudu besar serbuk almond
 70 g water /70 gm air
1 tsp baking powder / 1 sudu teh baking powder
15 g ovelette / 15 gm ovellete
50 g corn oil / 50 gm minyak jagung
1 tsp vanilla essen / 1 sudu teh esen vanilla

-Salted Caramel
113 g butter / 113 gm butter tanpa garam
120 ml heavy cream/ 120 ml heavy cream atau Dairy whipping cream
3 tbsp water / 3 sudu besar air
0 ml corn syrup / 60 ml corn syrup
200 g sugar / 200 gm gula

-Salted Caramel Cream
3 egg yolks / 3 biji kuning telur
100 g white chocolate / 100 gm coklat masakan putih
8 g gelatin / 8 gm gelatin
30 g water / 30 gm air
2 tbasp salted caramel / 2 sudu besar salted caramel
250 g non diary whipped cream / 250 gm Krim Bukan tenusu
1 tsp vanilla essence / 1 sudu teh esen vanilla

-White Chocolate Ganache
125 ml non diary whipped cream / 125 ml krim tenusu
20 g glucose / 20 gm sirap glucos
2-- g white chocolate / 200 gm coklat masakan putih
15 g butter / 15 gm mentega

-Chopped the white chocolate / Cincang coklat halus
Heat up cream with glugose / Masak krim dan sirap glucos hingga berbuih
Pour cream over the white chocolate / Tuangkan krim atas coklat dan biarkan coklat mencair
Add butter and mix well / Tambahkan butter.Gaul rata

To Assamble The Cake: Kat Sini

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